关于「 graph」的内容列表

AI code review platform Graphite completes $52 million Series B financing

Graphite, an AI code review platform backed by Anthropic, announced the completion of a $52 million Series B financing round led by Accel, with participation from Anthropic's Anthology Fund, Menlo Ventures, Shopify Ventures, Figma Ventures, Andreessen Horowitz and The General Partnership. Founded in 2020 by Tomas Reimers, Greg Foster, and Merrill Lutsky, Graphite initially focused on mobile power builders before moving to AI-driven code reviews.

2025-03-18 17:00:10

由Anthropic支持的AI代码审查平台Graphite宣布完成5200万美元B轮融资,本轮融资由Accel领投,Anthropic旗下Anthology Fund、Menlo Ventures、Shopify Ventures、Figma Ventures、Andreessen Horowitz及The General Partnership参投。 Graphite由Tomas Reimers、Greg Foster和Merrill Lutsky于2020年创立,最初专注于移动开发工具,后转向AI驱动的代码审查。

2025-03-18 17:00:10
Georgia proposes new bill to allow state finances to invest in bitcoin without limit

According to Cointelegraph, the Georgia Senate has introduced Bill 228 (SB 228), which proposes to amend Title 50, Title 17, Section 3 of the state code regarding state depositories, authorizing the state depository board to allow the state treasury to invest in bitcoin. The bill, which was introduced by five senators including Senator Esteves of the 35th Ward and is awaiting approval by the Senate, requires the state Treasury to establish policies and procedures for the receipt, storage and tra...

2025-02-24 03:14:32

据 Cointelegraph 报道,佐治亚州参议院提出第 228 号法案(SB 228),拟修改该州法典第 50 篇第 17 章第 3 条有关州存管机构的规定,授权州存管委员会允许州财政部投资比特币。 该法案要求州财政部制定比特币接收、存储和交易的相关政策与程序,并规定州政府持有的比特币必须按照这些政策执行。该法案由第 35 选区的 Esteves 参议员等五位参议员共同提出,目前正等待佐...

2025-02-24 03:14:32
OKX Ventures founder: Crypto start-up company needs both technical strength and market adaptability

On February 24th, according to Cointelegraph, Jeff Ren, founder of OKX Ventures, said that in order to obtain venture capital funding, crypto start-up companies need not only strong technical strength, but also the ability to "understand the market and adjust in a timely manner". Ren pointed out that OKX analyzes market trends and user requests through its wallet product, and when evaluating investment opportunities, the first consideration is whether it can create value for the founding team th...

2025-02-24 02:56:16
OKX Ventures 创始人:加密创业公司获投需兼具技术实力与市场适应力

2月24日消息,据 Cointelegraph 报道,OKX Ventures 创始人 Jeff Ren 表示,加密创业公司要获得风投资金,不仅需要过硬的技术实力,还需具备“读懂市场并及时调整”的能力。 Ren 指出,OKX 通过其钱包产品分析市场趋势和用户需求,在评估投资机会时,首要考虑是否能通过钱包基础设施为创始团队创造价值。以 GameFi 为例,OKX 钱包可为游戏工作室提供游戏内资产购买和链上流...

2025-02-24 02:56:16
Memecoin fraud undermines community trust, causing Solana's on-chain user activity to drop by nearly 40% in February.

On February 21st, according to Cointelegraph, Memecoin fraud is eroding community trust, especially the Libra token incident, resulting in a significant decrease in Solana user engagement rate. The number of active addresses on the network fell to an average of 9.50 million per week in February, a decrease of nearly 40% from the 15.60 million active addresses in November 2024. As confidence in Solana wanes, millions of dollars worth of cryptocurrencies are being transferred from Solana to other ...

2025-02-21 13:59:00

2月21日消息,据Cointelegraph报道,Memecoin欺诈行为正在削弱社区信任,尤其是Libra代币事件,导致Solana用户活跃度出现较大幅度的下降,2月份该网络的活跃地址数量降至每周平均950万个,较2024年11月的1560万个活跃地址下降了近40%。随着对 Solana 的信心减弱,价值数百万美元的加密货币正在从Solana转移到其他区块链,表明潜在的资本外流可能会对区块链的长期增长产生净积极影响。...

2025-02-21 13:59:00
分析师:比特币周线收盘需守住 97000 美元以冲击历史新高

2月21日消息,据 Cointelegraph 报道,分析师指出,若比特币本周收盘能守住 97000 美元上方,将有望发起冲击历史新高的行情。目前比特币已连续三个交易日上涨,较 2 月 18 日 95000 美元的低点上涨 6%,交易价格为 99158 美元。 分析师 Rekt Capital 表示,比特币目前正在三角形市场结构的下边界 97028 美元获得支撑。过去三周,比特币虽然出现下探,但始终保持该形态完整。另...

2025-02-21 13:31:47
Michael Saylor:只有一个民族国家有能力购买全部比特币的20%,我认为应该是美国

2月21日消息,据Cointelegraph披露Strategy(原MicroStrategy)创始人Michael Saylor发言,他表示:“只有一个民族国家有能力购买购买全部比特币的20%,显然,我认为应该是美国。”

2025-02-21 12:58:33
Former CTO of SafeMoon Admits to 200 million Dollar Cryptocurrency Fraud

According to Cointelegraph, SafeMoon CTO Thomas Smith pleaded guilty in federal court in Brooklyn to one count of cryptocurrency fraud. Smith pleaded guilty to two counts of securities fraud conspiracy and wire fraud conspiracy, which carry a maximum sentence of 25 and 20 years, respectively. The Department of Justice and the Securities and Exchange Commission have charged Smith with participating in fraud along with SafeMoon CEO Braden John Karony and founder Kyle Nagy. Prosecutors say the thre...

2025-02-21 07:14:40

据Cointelegraph报道,SafeMoon首席技术官Thomas Smith在布鲁克林联邦法院就一项加密货币欺诈案认罪。史密斯对证券欺诈共谋和电信欺诈共谋两项指控认罪,这两项指控最高刑期分别为25年和20年。 美国司法部和证券交易委员会指控Smith与SafeMoon首席执行官Braden John Karony和创始人KyleNagy共同参与欺诈。检方称三人向投资者虚假宣称SafeMoon(SFM)代币的...

2025-02-21 07:14:40
Strategy Founder Suggests US to Buy 20% of Bitcoin Circulation

According to Cointelegraph, Michael Saylor, founder of Strategy (formerly MicroStrategy), said at the CPAC Conservative Movement Conference in Washington, D.C., that the United States should establish a strategic reserve of bitcoin, proposing to acquire a 20% share of the bitcoin network. Michael Saylor pointed out that at current prices, 20% of the supply of bitcoin in circulation is about 4 million, worth about $392 billion. He believes that if the United States holds 400-6 million bitcoins, i...

2025-02-21 03:52:37

据Cointelegraph报道,Strategy(原MicroStrategy)创始人Michael Saylor在华盛顿特区举行的CPAC保守派运动大会上表示,美国应建立比特币战略储备,建议购入20%的比特币网络份额。 Michael Saylor指出,按当前价格,20%的比特币流通供应量约为400万枚,价值约3920亿美元。他认为,如果美国持有400-600万枚比特币,将有助于偿还国债。相比之下,美国战略石油储备约为3.95亿桶,估值仅为290亿...

2025-02-21 03:52:37
The Utah Bitcoin Reserve Bill has passed the Senate Tax Committee's review

According to Cointelegraph, Utah's HB230 "Blockchain and Digital Innovation Amendment" has passed the state's Senate Tax Committee with a 4-2-1 vote on February 20, and the bill will enter the second and third readings of the Senate. According to the bill, to become a reserve asset, a digital asset must have an average market cap of $500 billion or more in the previous calendar year. Currently, only Bitcoin meets this requirement. The bill...

2025-02-21 03:04:23

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